This is your cheat sheet if you’re looking for quick, actionable advice from the trenches.
1: Debugger = Your Secret Weapon
Stop staring at your code in frustration—debuggers exist for a reason. Learn to wield one, and you’ll feel like a code ninja.
2: Ace the Interview Game
Your coding skills matter, but knowing how to sell them matters more. Interviewing well can skyrocket your earnings. Be sure to interview the team you’re thinking of working for, too!
3: Switch Jobs, Not Just Tasks
It’s easier to negotiate a big salary jump with a new company than where you are now—staying comfortable costs you.
4: Do What Scares You
That big, nerve-wracking project? Dive in. The stuff that terrifies you today becomes your superpower tomorrow. Pain + Reflection = Progress
5: Keep Building Outside Work
Side projects help you stay relevant and experiment without deadlines breathing down your neck. They are also a great way to build your network. Bonus: they’re fun!
6: Write Tests, Save Yourself Later
Testing isn’t glamorous, but it beats debugging a dumpster fire at 2 AM. Cover your bases, then sleep easy.
7: Track Your Wins
Keep a “brag document” to log your accomplishments. Come review time; you’ll thank past-you for keeping receipts.
8: Be a Code Janitor
If the code’s messy, clean it up a little. Leaving things better than you found them builds goodwill and better software.
9: Leverage What Exists
Standards and libraries are the collective wisdom of developers before you. Skip reinventing the wheel—borrow brilliance instead.
10: Be the Kind Coder
Pointing out flaws doesn’t require humiliation. Lift others up; it’s better for them and for your reputation.
11: Understand the Bigger Picture
Your code lives in a world of sales pitches, customer needs, and legal constraints. Learn the full context to create better solutions.
12: Know Your Domain
The best developers understand the industries they code for. You can’t fix problems if you don’t know what they are.
13: Data Is Your Career Anchor
The closer you are to essential data and insights, the more valuable you are. Get familiar with the guts of the operation.
14: Smart Is Common—Kindness Isn’t
Being brilliant doesn’t give you a free pass to be awful. The best developers pair brains with humility.
15: Step Away to Solve Problems
Sometimes, the best way to fix a bug is to stop thinking about it. A walk clears your head and sharpens your mind.
16: Comments: Your Future Self’s Love Letter
Think you’ll remember why you wrote that convoluted function six months from now? Spoiler: you won’t. Write comments like you’re explaining it to someone new—because future you is someone new.
17: Legacy Code Isn’t Scary—It’s a Time Capsule
Legacy code isn’t a monster waiting to devour your sanity; it’s a map of how your company got here. Treat it with respect, learn from it, and make it better without breaking it. Bonus: you’ll learn a ton about real-world problem-solving.
18: Big Problems Are Just Tiny Problems in a Trench Coat
Every overwhelming task can be broken into manageable chunks. Start small, solve one piece at a time, and suddenly, that “impossible” bug feels more like a mildly annoying to-do list.
19: Saying ‘I Don’t Know’ Is a Power Move
Pretending to know everything is exhausting and counterproductive. Admitting you don’t know something shows confidence and a willingness to learn—and that’s how you earn respect.
20: Don’t Work for Jerks
Life’s too short to deal with bad managers or nightmare clients. Toxic workplaces drain your energy and stunt your growth. Choose environments where your contributions are valued, and don’t be afraid to walk away if they aren’t.
Bonus: Filter Advice Carefully
Not every tip online is worth taking. Be careful who you take advice from!
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