Harnessing Data-Driven Decision-Making in Software Development

The use of data to make decisions as a software developer is a core skill. It transcends mere operational enhancement, embodying a transformative philosophy toward building and refining technology. This data-driven approach integrates quantitative insights

Generative AI Acceleration in the Air Force

To achieve Generative AI Acceleration, the Department of the Air Force Chief Information Officer has proposed revamping the approval process for Generative AI technologies. What is publically known about this process is scant, but initial

Leveraging the Power of Transparent Comparators in C++

The C++14 standard introduces a compelling feature: Transparent Comparators. C++ programmers often encounter the concept of comparators when working with sorting algorithms or associative containers like sets and maps. A well-understood comparator ensures that elements

Looking for Pointers: The C++ Memory Safety Debate

The dialogue around C++ and memory safety has intensified following recent evaluations by authoritative bodies. The White House’s Office of the National Cyber Director issued a compelling call for a pivot toward memory-safe programming languages.

An Inescapable Trap: Everyone Can Be Socially Engineered

Social engineering represents one of the most insidious forms of cyberattack, exploiting the most vulnerable link in the security chain: humans. Despite advanced technological defenses, no individual is immune to these sophisticated tactics, with varying

Build One to Throw Away: Embracing Iteration

The principle of “Build One to Throw Away” from Frederick Brooks’ “The Mythical Man-Month” is an important yet often misunderstood approach to software development. This principle highlights the importance of early iteration and learning, even