How to Build Technical Capital

Balancing software development requires managing technical debt and capital. While debt can fast-track projects, building robust technical capital ensures long-term software resilience and quality.

SemVer is Broken! Introducing Algorithmic SemVer

The promise of Semantic Versioning (SemVer) is tantalizing. However, as is often the case in software engineering, the real world is messier than our theoretical models. Introducing Algorithmic SemVer as an alternative software versioning scheme.

Use Reasonable Defaults To Build Better Teams

Start with the default settings and see if you can live with them and tweak your process to accommodate before going off and making everything custom. The more custom something is, the harder it is

Now leave before I am forced to taunt you

Sir Galahad: Is there someone else up there we can talk to? Frenchman: No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time! (We apologize for you having reached the end of the