Build One to Throw Away: Embracing Iteration

The principle of “Build One to Throw Away” from Frederick Brooks’ “The Mythical Man-Month” is an important yet often misunderstood approach to software development. This principle highlights the importance of early iteration and learning, even

Dancing on a Knife Edge: Goodhart’s Law in Action

Metrics and measurements are vital tools. They guide decisions, shape strategies, and can provide a clear picture of progress and productivity. However, a fundamental principle, often overlooked, governs the use and impact of these metrics:

Talent Rotation: Stop the Downward Spiral

Some organizations have adopted a policy of frequently rotating staff through different projects. While this approach aims to broaden experience, it's worth taking a closer look at the implications.

Push/Pull Communication Development in Agile Teams

Introduction Push/Pull communication is a fundamental concept in communication, dictating how information flows within an organization. This article discusses various push/pull communication strategies, highlighting their significance in Agile environments for improving team performance. Decoding Push/Pull

“Tech Stacks” are fast Becoming “Tech Piles”

In the early days of software development, the simplicity of tools like VI and a compiler sufficed for building enterprise-scale applications. Today, we find ourselves wading through an ever-expanding array of tools and technologies that