Winning at Game Theory with “The Price is Right”

"The Price is Right" can serve as an engaging and unconventional guide to understanding game theory and its application in software engineering. From the bidding strategies in the "One Bid" round to the risk assessment

Dancing on a Knife Edge: Goodhart’s Law in Action

Metrics and measurements are vital tools. They guide decisions, shape strategies, and can provide a clear picture of progress and productivity. However, a fundamental principle, often overlooked, governs the use and impact of these metrics:

Unlocking the Power of std::hash in C++ Programming

Hashing, a cornerstone concept in computer science, plays a pivotal role in efficient data processing and storage. In C++, std::hash emerges as a critical component, deeply ingrained in the language's Standard Library. This article aims

Breaking Down C++20 Callable Concepts

C++20 Callable Concepts refer to a powerful feature introduced in the C++20 standard that allows developers to specify and enforce constraints on function objects, lambdas, and other callable entities in a more expressive and type-safe