Leveraging the Power of Transparent Comparators in C++

The C++14 standard introduces a compelling feature: Transparent Comparators. C++ programmers often encounter the concept of comparators when working with sorting algorithms or associative containers like sets and maps. A well-understood comparator ensures that elements

Looking for Pointers: The C++ Memory Safety Debate

The dialogue around C++ and memory safety has intensified following recent evaluations by authoritative bodies. The White House’s Office of the National Cyber Director issued a compelling call for a pivot toward memory-safe programming languages.

Unlocking the Power of std::hash in C++ Programming

Hashing, a cornerstone concept in computer science, plays a pivotal role in efficient data processing and storage. In C++, std::hash emerges as a critical component, deeply ingrained in the language's Standard Library. This article aims

Breaking Down C++20 Callable Concepts

C++20 Callable Concepts refer to a powerful feature introduced in the C++20 standard that allows developers to specify and enforce constraints on function objects, lambdas, and other callable entities in a more expressive and type-safe

“Tech Stacks” are fast Becoming “Tech Piles”

In the early days of software development, the simplicity of tools like VI and a compiler sufficed for building enterprise-scale applications. Today, we find ourselves wading through an ever-expanding array of tools and technologies that